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Showing posts from May, 2020

Area of a Circle without new Class and Math Class-Example0009

Area of a Circle without new Class and Math Class-Example0009 This example is example for using Scanner class to get input from user and calculate area of a circle. Using of Class Math is also shown Also casting from double to float is also shown package com.swprogramdeveloper; Keyword: java, aoc, scanner, user input, casting, math class import java.util.Scanner; public class Main {     public static void main(String[] args) { // write your code here         final float PI=3.14F;         Scanner askinput= new Scanner(;         System.out.print("Please Enter Radius of the Circle:");         float radius= askinput.nextFloat();         //Using Mathematical expression         float area= PI * radius * radius;         System.out.print("Area of Circle(PIXRXR):");         System.out.println(area);         //Using Math Class         //Need Explicit Casting- Casting: changing types from double to float- Math.pow returns double        

Polymorphism and Method Overloading and Overriding- Example0008

Polymorphism and Method Overloading and Overriding- Example0008 This example of Polymorphism(One of the characteristics of the  - Both Compile and Runtime shown here. Method Overloading (Compile time Polymirphism)- Two methods defined in both parent and child Classes with same name but without differnet arguments Method Overriding (Run time Polymorphism) - Two methods defined with same name and same inputs, but output can be different package com.swprogramdeveloper; Keyword: java, polymorphism, method overloading, method overriding, compile polymorphism, runtime polymorphism, arguments //Textual presentation of an object, how it will look like in the memory //Whatever we write in class is actually belong to object. Note: if you want something for class, need to write static class Product {     //Attribute         int pid;         String name;         int price;         //Constructor         Product() {         System.out.println(">>Product Object Construc