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Creating Class with attributes and method and using them- Example0006

Creating Class with attributes and method and using them- Example0006
This example shows creating own Class
We will create a class called 'Product' with Attribute, Contructor and Methods
We will see how we can create an Object of that Class and use the methods in that Class. 
We can see two ways to access the attributes of the Class

Keyword: java, class, attribute, constructor, methods, object, instance

Creating own Class and use it
package com.swprogramdeveloper;

//Textual presentation of an object, how it will look like in the memory
//Whatever we write in class is actually belong to object. Note: if you want something for class, need to write static
class Product {
        int pid;
        String name;
        int price;

        Product() {
        System.out.println(">>Product Object Constructed");

        //Method one to initialize data
         void setProductDetails(int pid, String name, int price){;;

        //Method to display data
         void showProductDetails(){
             System.out.println("-----Product ID: "+pid+"----------");

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
// write your code here
        System.out.println("This is Main inside the Class Main");
     //Creating Object- Class Instance with New keyword
        Product product1 = new Product();
        System.out.println("Address of Product1: " + product1);

        // Accessing parameters directly
//We can access the attribute directly like following
        Product product2 = new Product();;"Nike";



This is Main inside the Class Main
>>Product Object Constructed
-----Product ID: 1----------
Name: iphone
Price: 70000
Address of Product1: com.swprogramdeveloper.Product@34c45dca
>>Product Object Constructed
-----Product ID: 201----------
Name: Nike
Price: 0

Process finished with exit code 0


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